When is the Best Time to Buy a New Air Conditioner

You’ve just about made it through another St. Louis summer, and you may be wondering when the best time is to buy a new air conditioner. But you’re also pretty sure that your old air conditioner won’t make it through one more season. Bart Inman understands you’re wanting to get the best deal you can. So, let’s talk about when you should consider buying a new system. Like many seasonal things, even air conditioners have an off-season when prices are less expensive. But there are few factors that go into getting the “best price” on a new unit.

Type of Unit

The type of unit plays a big role in determining when the best time to buy is. If you have an older home that relies on window units, the best time to buy is the middle of winter when store shelves have stock and demand is basically nonexistent.

If you’re looking to replace a central air unit, though, winter can be one of the hardest times to buy. The demand for air conditioners is certainly low. But most companies that install air conditioners handle furnaces, too. Before you think about installing a new air conditioner in the middle of January, remember that the technicians could be booked solid taking care of furnaces!

Let the Midwest Seasons Work in Your Favor

Living in the Midwest, the best times to install a new air conditioner are in the fall or in the early spring. It can seem like we don’t get four distinct seasons as much as we used to, but in months like October and April, we are still fortunate to be past the worst of the heat and cold before the next harsher season starts.

Those weeks when people can get by without running the heat or AC can be ideal times for installing new units.

Bundle When You Buy

Regardless of the time of year, another good time to buy a new air conditioner is when you’re already getting a furnace installed. Though the price tag of the entire project will be much larger than it would be to replace just one unit or the other, most installers offer bundle packages. You can save yourself a significant amount of money in the long run if you buy and install a new a furnace and a new air conditioner at the same time, rather than waiting and buying them in different years.

Tax Credits and Rebates

Look for other opportunities to save money and you can find additional good times to buy. With the ban of freon a couple years ago, the need to replace air conditioner units is becoming more common. The chemical that many older units required to cool your home simply isn’t available anymore. So, the government and energy companies have been encouraging consumers to purchase new, more energy efficient models by offering tax credits and rebates.

Buy What You Need

Air conditioners are priced based on the amount of power they produce. More powerful units are more expensive, but you can make sure you’re spending your money wisely by buying only what you need. A small bungalow won’t require as much as power as a multi-story home.

If you’re in the market for a new air conditioner, Bart Inman Air Conditioning and Heat can help. We sell all brands, makes, and models. And we won’t sell you what you don’t need. Our certified technicians and installers will come to your home for free estimate and hp you find an air conditioner that works for your home and family’s needs.

Our #1 Goal is always to provide quality HVAC services to St. Louis families. Contact us today by calling 314-293-2600 or using our Schedule NOW Form.

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